Totem Speaker Wiring

Hello all.
I found the following on the Totem website concerning speaker wiring. It's confusing to me or am I just dumb?
Thanks in advance.

Single-wiring Advantages
There are some cases where a high quality single wire allows for a better tonal balance for a particular need.

Single-wiring is definitely a very good way to proceed as long as the four terminals are there. The user has the choice of connecting just the lower two terminals and through this obtain a certain “tone”. Reconnecting the wire to the upper two terminals gives the user more high frequency emphasis. Connecting the red positive at the bottom and the black at the top (diagonally opposite) or vice versa will give you two more “tone” options.

In conclusion the customer/dealer has four possibilities with a high quality single wire. We recommend the diagonal connection when using the single wire to create a greater balance.


Showing 1 response by chayro

Just means you should try connecting the speaker wire to  the top 2 terminals OR the bottom 2 terminals OR one top-one bottom terminal to see which yields the best result.  Just don't forget that when single wiring you need to use the jumpers between the top and bottom terminals.  You may not hear a difference with any of these combinations, depending on your system, your ears and your musical priorities, so don't be surprised if they sound basically the same.