totem/nad denon

Hi i ahve abeginners question.I have a nad 356 bee for my totem sttaf speakers . I jsut bought a denon 2100 home reciever to upsgrade my home theater. I have dedciated gallo system for that. Will i Hear a difference if iuse the denon for the sttaffs and get rid of the nad???? I wanted to have dedicated systems but now i am trying to be a little more realistic.



I do not believe you can do this.  The Pre-outs on the back of your AVR are meant to go into the inputs of a power amp.  If you connect these to AUX inputs of your NAD  that are line level, you are sending the signal to the NAD's pre-amp and not power amp.   You would have to disconnect the jumpers on the back of the NAD to connect to power amp inputs, effectively losing the NAD's superior stereo preamp section.  So for music, you have not gained anything except a higher powered AVR.

This why some integrated amps have a feature called HT Bypass to allow seamless integration into an existing surround sound system all with the push of a button and one pair of interconnects.  This is the way my system is configured.

Bill - you had mentioned the two pre -outss....  "I just looked at the rear of the Denon 2100 and it only has Zone 2 stereo preouts so combining it with the NAD 356BEE might not be possible. I'll let others chime in on that subject."  ...........could I use those pre outs to the auxiliary on the NAD for when I want to use the Totems to listen to a music program on TV?

You're making the right decision to keep the NAD. If you're looking for a TT, I suggest starting a new thread in the Analogue section.
List your system; NAD, Totems, cables, size of room, and the types of music you listen to.
Also include if this is your 1st TT and if you have a record collection.

There are many recent threads asking for TT advice. You can look thru the Analogue Forum or use key words in the Archives.
For new plug and play TTs, the same names keep popping up... Rega, Pro-ject Debut Carbon DC, Audio Technica, Music Hall mmf2.2. The other option is used.
And one more question while i have this astute know my setup nad plus totems. What turntable should i get? cant break the bank - under $400.00.

thank you again.


if bored:

First - what a great forum! and now another beginner question. Can i connect the totems to both the nad and the denon?

Or is this a basic audio no no.

The reason being is if i am watching a music program through Apple tv or you tube music clip on my tv I would love the sound to then come through the totems.

Thank you all for the answer. The NAD stays!!!! It has been my dream to have a good dedicated music system....i am pro musician who has suffered hearing loss so i want to hear as much as i can. I was only willing to go backwards to make a little bread by selling the NAD. But i am convinced by your responses that I was on the right course to begin with. So now i have dedicated music system with totem and nad and dedicated home theater with Denon and gallo. By the way the Gallo setup is fantastic for movies and dreadful for music.
Thank you


You are pondering a huge mistake if you like music.  I'm with all the others and do not trade your NAD for a Denon AVR.  The preamp sections in AVR's, even in so called Pure Direct mode are a mere afterthought.  They are built for digital surround sound formats, not 2 channel stereo music like the NAD

I spent 10 plus years in an affair with the HT mistress, even using flagship AVR's and HT separates, always to be left unsatisfied with music.  Your Totems are fine speakers so keep them happy.  Keep the NAD.

I just looked at the rear of the Denon 2100 and it only has Zone 2 stereo preouts so combining it with the NAD 356BEE might not be possible.  I'll let others chime in on that subject.

Though I have never owned any Totem speakers, the NAD integrated will reign over the Denon AVR for stereo music, period.  Many AVR's, especially flagship models, try to be all things to all people but fall short in the 2-channel music department.  A few exceptions that come to mind are the NAD T773(which I have in a stereo rig) and NAD's newer offerings, Anthem AVR's, Cambridge Audio, and Arcam which has been mentioned in a previous post.

Do your best to objectively A-B the Denon vs the NAD and see(hear) the results.  I am in no way implying that the Denon will sound horrible in stereo but the NAD integrated is built for one main purpose, stereo music.  As mentioned, you "may" be able to use both the NAD(stereo) and Denon(HT) in the same rig.

I've had Totem ARROS with the predecessor NAD C370 integrated in a prior "B" system, so I do have hands-on insight into the performance characteristics of the two together ( and not just some anecdotal I read it in a prior post re-hash)

Simply put, the  DENON receiver (in fact,  just about any receiver other than the $6K ARCAM ....) ) will be a step down from the NAD integrated amp with your TOTEM speakers.

With the exception of the top ARCAM and perhaps a minuscule smattering,  receivers are cheaply built-to-the-lowest-price point possible  kit (usually chi-fi ....) that lack the quality build power  supplies  and high-current amps to generate the high current output necessary to drive the grunt-hungry Totems. WPC stats in isolation to the above are meaningless .

The difference(s) in performance and quality stepping down from the NAD integrated to the receiver will be noticeable and those differences will not be subtle.

I am with Lowrider in that i could not see replacing a 2-channel NAD integrated for a HT receiver for music. That said, you should try both and answer the question for yourself. It is possible that the sonic difference may be overshadowed by your other considerations. 

If you enjoy listening to music, you are definitely going to hear a difference. The NAD and Totem are a great combination for a 2 channel setup. For starters, Totem speakers need high power and current which the NAD has.

It’s a matter of priorities; the Denon/Totem system will sound different for listening to music, but you’ll gain a HT setup. What is the Gallo system for?

I’m not sure, but you may be able to keep the NAD as your amp and hook up the Denon to the NAD’s Tape Loop and have it pass thru the amp for HT purposes.
 Somebody on the forum with more HT experience can probably advise if this is possible.