thank you all for the great feedback!
Obviously, the best thing to do is to audition both speakers myself but, as you can imagine, the special 25's are a bit difficult to come across.
Lapierre and Tobias, thanks for the heads up on the need for especially powerful amps. Do you two think that something like Bel Canto's Ref 1000s would pair well with these?
Nieuwen, I have also read about the The One and am interested in checking them out. How would you say The One's compare to The Mani 2 sigs? Also, what are the major differences between The One and the model one signatures?
Drubin, thanks for your input. I hope the differences are to my liking. I'm going to try and audition the 25's as soon as I get the chance.
Two more questions for the forum. Can anybody tell me what the major difference between the Mani 2's and the signatures are?
Finally, I would also like to solicit some feedback on Harbeth speakers, as I have heard many positive things about them. How do their line of speakers stack up to the offerings by Dynaudio or Totem?
Thank you all for all of your time!!