Totem Forest vs. Sonus Faber Home or Domus Lines

I've been listening to a number of speakers in the $2,500 - $3,500 range (currently I have a pair of Snell E/IVs with a Proceed CD Player, Classe amp, and Classe pre). My musical tastes range from Miles Davis Sketches of Spain to anything Smashing Pumpkins. Just no classical. Any advice on Totem Forest or the Sonus Faber Domus or Home lines? My room is 13*18. Thanks. Advice on other speakers in this range is also appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by coviellop01

Thanks Jaybo and Newmanoc.

Newmanoc, I have not heard the Cremona Auditor's but I know they have a great reputation. I was a little concerned about the price, though. The Domus Concerto's are $3,450, and I thought that the Cremona Auditor's were way above that due to the cabinetry, etc. Do you own Auditor's? Where did you get that price?

Newmanoc, how do you like your JM Labs? They are the other speakers I had thought about. I've listed to the 907BE. Your feedback would be appreciated about the 907 and any other models you previewed.
