Totem Dreamcatchers integrated amp, under $1000.

I'm in the market for an integrated amp for a pair of Totem DC's for under $1000. Has anyone had any experience with the Rotel RA-12 and DC's?, also considering NAD and the Rega BrioR. Problem with the Rega is that it'll put my over budget a bit by the time I get a DAC.


Showing 1 response by nonoise

I second the Marantz PM-8004 with the caveat that I haven't heard it but own the PM-15S2b which is the next one up. My Tonians have no real bass to speak of since they cut off around 40Hz but with the Marantz, it's like I have an extra driver down there, some where. The bass I'm getting is unbelievable. The sound is clean, clear, quick and very resolving. I have no reason to believe the PM-8004 would be any different, just on a different scale, if at that.

As Johnnyb53 says, try to get a demo at Music Direct and it will be at discount and still have the 30-day return policy.

All the best,