Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!

Is it just me, or is it total nonsense when YouTubers play music to suggest you can hear a difference between components. Totally drives me crazy and I discount anything they have to offer from that point on......


Showing 8 responses by nonoise

Who knows, if the viewers like the sound of what they hear posted online by a particular local dealer, they might want to check it out in person for themselves.

Great point, which is why some go to great lengths to ensure the best possible recording they can. There are even some reviewers who advise to wear a set of good headphones since they record and playback binaurally. 

Granted, it's not the same as streaming but it's not as low-fi as some would have you believe.

All the best,


You tell me. Responses have gotten overly heated over such a small matter that it begs the question that there's an underlying (latent) reason. 

Could it be that after listening to some of the better recorded YouTube videos, the difference between them and what some are streaming isn't that great? If so, that would hurt the ego as well as the pocketbook. 

Could it also be that some simply can't hear the obvious differences? Same result as above. 

Could it be that some just like to argue? Well, that's been established here a long time ago. So many teapots, so many tempests.....what's an audiophile to do?

All the best,


How is this still be debated? The fact that you can hear differences is not the issue. What underlying reasons could there be....?🤔

I wonder if all the ones who say you can't hear a difference on well recorded YouTube videos stream music. Just saying.....

I was going to ask the same thing. Even my mid-fi computer set up using Klipsch PM41s via USB from my iMAC can be very revealing provided the recording is of high enough quality.

On the better ones, it's' quite easy to hear differences. Consistently. Why do I get the impression there's a lot of really cheap "audiophiles" out there, pissed off at the world?

All the best,