Torqueo - any info or updates?

Dear fellow Audio hobbyists,

just entered the forum, so a quick intro: Erik, 43 years old, living in the Netherlands. Have enjoyed a decent TT, amplifier and box setup, but now looking to take the next step.

This next step, is very much looking at great audio quality but also the looks. And I now ended up at these beautiful machines from Torqueo in Italy ( I really REALLY like their design, but there are so little reviews, or even info, available on their assortment. With price tags that are pretty steep for my standards, of course one would first like to listen to a setup and just 'see' in real life, but no distributor in the Netherlands.

So my question:

- does anyone have experience with Torqueo equipment, and what are your findings? 
- do you own a Torqueo? Would love to hear about your setup and experiences?

Thanks everyone, greatly appreciate any response!

Best, Erik 


Showing 1 response by fsellet

Torqueo is based on a Rek-O-Kut Rondine design. Erik, idlers can be wonderful but do come with drawbacks. You can read online about Art Dudley's experiments with idlers. Among other  things, he renovated a ROK. This one should be way above any DIY project...