I should probably add a Yamaha T-2 and an honorable mention for the M-D Etude to my above list. I forgot about the T-2 because once restoration work was finished I put it away for a rainy day and recently brought it back out. Very difficult to work on and align, but once done, the RF is great and the audio is spectacular. The Etude sounds GREAT, and the RF is no slouch, but not as selective as classic analog variable capacitor designs, at least in my experience. A case can be made (and is made on the FM Tuner group page) that they're overpriced for what's contained in their internal parts, but if user interface/tactile positive feedback (a plus for the MR78 also, I confess, those two probably TOP that very competitive category for vintage tuners) are worth anything, those two are way up there. Mass loaded flywheel tuning knobs are a thing of true beauty!