Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums

Based not only on musical tastes but in the quality they were recorded in. I listen to some jazz and blues, and alot of classic rock but I feel this genre of music, both Alternative and Electronic music is often overlooked.
Though not really electronica as such, try O'2L. In keeping with my preferences, chill with jazz. This time jazz piano.
Amon Tobin
- Out From Out Where

This is some of the most musically and sonically interesting electronica I know. If you like it, check out the previous album
- Supermodified
and the following album
- Chaos Theory

For something a little more chilly and abstract:

- Amber
- Tri Repetae
- LP5
While i don't listen to much electronic music, i do enjoy
Massive Attack. Blue Lines and love St Germaine. Tourist.
The group: Caribou - The CD: The Milk of Human Kindness

is eclectic and ever evolving, one I currently enjoy..