Top Ten Electronic/alternative Albums

Based not only on musical tastes but in the quality they were recorded in. I listen to some jazz and blues, and alot of classic rock but I feel this genre of music, both Alternative and Electronic music is often overlooked.

Showing 1 response by kennyt

Crystal method, all, but especially Vegas
ALL SUBLIME....none are bad
Old NIN, especially the original 12" version of 'down in it" and 'wish' on downward spiral
Consolidated....the album with 'Dysfunctional relationship'
My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult... Knew these guys in the early 90's... wild men to be sure.... A girl doesn't get killed by an imaginary lover, Kooler then Jesus, Confessions of a knife.... some even on Sexplosion were good.
MC 900 Ft Jesus, Radioactive Goldfish just for LSD is the bomb.
Somewhat slower, but always a favorite were Kate Bush, Morphine.