Top integrated with MC phono section

Looking for a top integrated that has an outstanding MC phono section.  I love tubes but would also open to solid state.  Budget $10,000 - $15,000 new or used.  Anyone heard the Audio Research Gsi75?  Gryphon Diablo?  Open to suggestions!

Showing 1 response by mhart032

+1 on the Rogue Audio Pharaoh, it's a great piece of gear as well as the Parasound Halo, the phono section is really good, not to mention upgradable and it's like a Swiss army knife for audio. Built in crossovers, dual mono subs, the digital end is even better at 320khz for all your HD tracks it's really worth looking at for 2500 bucks. It sounded quite good with sonus Faber cremonas connected and SVS PC2000 sub, oracle mkII on the vinyl end. I was impressed with that system for just under 10k as is.