Top integrated with MC phono section

Looking for a top integrated that has an outstanding MC phono section.  I love tubes but would also open to solid state.  Budget $10,000 - $15,000 new or used.  Anyone heard the Audio Research Gsi75?  Gryphon Diablo?  Open to suggestions!

Showing 5 responses by bobheinatz

Thanks for all the replies.  I will look at the Rogue but VAC and Gryphon have very good phono sections for integrated's.  My tubed preamp has a outstanding phono section but I am looking for a one box solution with a high quality MC phono section.  Any other suggestions?

Inna, Allnic is one to look at thanks.  It would probably impossible to hear each with my speakers.   Phono section in VAC Sigma 160se is rumored a killer.
Everyone thanks for all the options you have listed.  I certainly will check into the T+A HV 3100.