Tool - Lateralus

Category: Music

If you are a fan of Tool, or like progressive/ alternative/ hard rock music, this newest release is a must have. I have listened to the complete cd at least 15 times since its May 15th release and each time through I hear new details in the recording that I previoussly hadn't heard. They definitely explored uncharted territory in their songwriting and creativity. Most of the songs are fairly long in length from 5 minutes to over 9 minutes with total album length clocking in at 79 minutes. You can the influences of Yes and King Crimson thoughout the disc. I'd say that it is also one of the best sounding rock albums that I have heard in a long time. It was mastered at Gateway Mastering (Bob Ludwig's company) and is HDCD encoded. I'd highly recommend this disc for any of you "heavier" music lovers. It makes the 5 years since Aenima seem well worth the wait.

Showing 1 response by ohlala

I was in the music store on the 15th to get the new Depeche Mode and was pleasently surprised to see that the Tool album had come also come out. The single, number 5, is excellent, and if you haven't already, you have to see the video. I know videos are lame, but in typical Tool fashion, thier video does not take away from the song.
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