Agree with Levy03, there ought to be some middle ground that can be reached between you where they wouldnt have to pay full cost of a replacement and you wouldnt either. I had a Volkswagen Rabbit years ago, bought it brand new, did all the scheduled maintenance. After only 19,000 miles (still under warantee) the bottom of the engine fell onto the roadway. VW America knew that shouldnt have happened since the car had been regularly maintained by an authorized VW dealer. They wouldnt pay full cost for a new engine since it had 19,000 miles on it but after offers and counter-offers agreed to pay for 3/4 of the replacement cost. I took them up on it since the idea of bringing a suit with the attendant court costs and lawyer fees was a non-starter for me, plus the time and effort it would have involved. Maybe you could reach a similar agreement about your amp. And Levy03, if you're reading this, I'm a Levy too!