Took my Levinson amp in for repair

It had some noise in the left channel the deal called today stating they pretty much blew it up and I need come pick it up
Is there anything I can do about this?

Showing 6 responses by brf

I'll bet is was a 33x series amplifier, they were known to have cap problems. I should know, I had a 333 and ML wanted $2k to replace the capicitors.
Levinson WOLL NOT provide replacement caps and/or schematics to anyone other than their 2 authorized repair depots. Even is this dealer wanted to help out his customer, his hands are tied as he cannot get replacement parts or any cooperation from Levinson.
Audiogon member "Renjy651" has commented on this thread that he does ML cap replacements and has access to equivalent or better caps than the original ML caps.
Vicdamone, you need to prove that the dealer was negligent in their actions and their actions alone caused the problem.

Sending the amp for repair estimates and filing a claim in small claim court does nothing to further the OP cause unless you can substantiate your claim with “proof” that the technician was negligent in his actions. The “burden” to prove that the repair depot was negligent is on the OP and his proof must be in the form of unbiased expert testimony.
Mrmitch,the biggest difference between your experience and the original posters is that your vw was still under warranty. Huge difference.
I have heard about a lot of ML 33x series going in for repair but very very few come out fixed.