Took my Levinson amp in for repair

It had some noise in the left channel the deal called today stating they pretty much blew it up and I need come pick it up
Is there anything I can do about this?

Showing 2 responses by levy03

you take your car into a repair facilty with a slight "engine noise". the mechanic takes it for a test drive to hear and possibly diagnose the noise. the engine throws a rod or "blows up" in some manner.....what happens next??

i'm just asking?

thinking what Al said above comes into play. so many possibilities.....but you don't win lawsuits with possibilities. lots of questions need to be answered before anyone gets paid (except the lawyers =)).
Abruce: i completely understand *and* agree with your position. no doubt i'd feel the same. my comments were more directed at advise to jump into the judicial system and get a lawyer (unless u have a friend/relative who will help for free). also agree with your path thus far...local/state agencies might be able to help or provide a nudge?. i'd try everything free and fairly painless before sinking money into a lawsuit. try negotiating with the shop owner for a fair % of the repair/replacement cost. if you're both reasonable....maybe something can be worked out?.

best of luck getting this resolved.