This room size requires speakers to be on long wall, 24ft, pulled out 4-5ft from wall. Should then have nice 7-8ft nearfield seating position (equilateral triangle). If you put them on 14ft wall, which I bet he has, speakers are too close to corners. This will favor bass, but will be muddy, boomy because of secondary reflections. If you must use short wall do put sound traps in corners to clean up bass, Sam
Too much bass even in large room...?
I recieved the phone call, from friend of mine, and complaining of "...too much bass in his new room"(boomy and sloppy) The size is 14.5X24X15(catedral ceiling). His "gear" is Canton LR-1(?),(large fl.stander with 2X8"woofer) Plinius 250 mk iii, Muse Model II (pre) and Sony CD (?) $3000 one! The room is consider large. So i don't know why "bass" would act-up? Any idea? Thanks! (he moved from the appartment into the house)
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