too laid back, or deeper soundstage?

With every equipment upgrade I do I notice the sound is more and more laid back. I guess you can say the stage is getting deeper. But on some recordings I miss the immediacy, especially on vocals. My upgrades were as follows, Adcom amp to CJ, MIT 330 to new shotgun cables, and MSB DAC to Sony SACD. Each upgrade improved the sound in every other way. My speakers are likely next to go. I currently have Spica TC-60's. I listened to Audio Physic Tempo's and they seem even further laid back. Any suggestions on speakers? What about cables? Cables seem to have made a big difference and are probably easiest to upgrade. Opinions? Don't audiophiles want performers in the room? What is this, "it sounds like your sitting in row Z" talk?? Do listeners prefer this?

Showing 1 response by pops

Wow, it's interesting that you get a laid back sound with the Audio Physic tempos - I just heard them yesterday with an all CJ system; half art pre, MF 2500 amp and a CJ cd player and I thought it sounded slightly forward and lean. I know that some employees at CJ use cardas, I have the MIT Shotguns and a CJ pre with Classe amp and it is a pretty warm system. I prefer that, you could liven yours up with different cables for sure like Kimber. I've used PBJ's and KCAG IC's and the sound is definitely more immediate on my system. I love the soundstage the MIT's throw, much better laterally than either Kimber that I mentioned. Have you moved your speakers around - I've been doing this for 10 years! Closer to the back wall will pull vocals more up front. SS amplification will difinitely give you immediacy if your CJ is tube.