Tons of Tandsberg stereo equipment just dropped on eBay

Heads up, I have no affiliation with this eBay seller what so ever. You have my word on that. 
I just love Tandberg gear and can't afford to pick any of these parts up at the moment. Although I'd part with a kidney for some of this stuff. 

eBay username: aschlieve18

This is is just a link to the TIA 3012A they have. Check out their other items for auction, including incredibly rare 4000 series parts. I don't think I've ever seen 4000 Seris equipment for sale anywhere, ever. 
(Auction ends in about 5 hours.)

Sorry for the excitement and go check it out. 


Showing 1 response by metralla

Thanks for the info. I see that the TANDBERG MODEL TCD 3004 CASSETTE DECK is up to $1615 at the moment. Fascinating.
