Tonearms without anti-skate, damage to records?

I am picking up a pivoted tonearm without any provision for bias (anti-skate) force. I would appreciate opinons on if using this arm can damage my records or phono cartridge due to the lack of this feature. Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by stringreen

VPI recommends NO anti-skate. Anti-scate is a crapshoot, and is NEVER right. It depends on the loudness being tracked (which constantly is changing), shape of stylus, VTA, and numerous other conditions. No antiskate is fine. Use your cartridge at the higher tracking force of the recommended suggested range.

antiskate delema....there is no such thing as correcting it for the entire record side.  There will be one spot on the disc where it will be zero and will increase or decrease as the record has or will transit the disc.  There are some arms where the 0 point can be set where the owner wants it (VPI), but the error is small no matter.  Track the arm with a bit more VTF so that damage/distortion is lessened.