Tonearm recommendation

Hello all,
Recently procured a Feickert Blackbird w/ the Jelco 12 inch tonearm.
The table is really good, and its a keeper. The Jelco is also very good, but not as good as my Fidelity Research FR66s. So the Jelco will eventually hit Ebay, and the question remains do I keep the FR66s or sell that and buy something modern in the 5-6 K range. My only point of reference is my old JMW-10 on my Aries MK1, so I don't know how the FR66s would compare to a modern arm. So I'd like to rely on the collective knowledge and experience of this group for a recommendation.

Keep the FR66s, or go modern in the 5-6K range, say a Moerch DP8 or maybe an SME.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are of course much appreciated.

Cheers,      Crazy Bill

Showing 8 responses by nandric

Dear Pani, ''Axiom is ...amazing. Why is it so expensive''?

Have you seen the price of The Apolyt (grin)?  Well my guess is

the cost of specialist labour involved. But in contradistinction to

those there some cheap(er) offerings also. The Aqular which got

Grand Prix 2015 award from the Japanese ''Stereo Sound '' Magazine

is a cheaper version of the Axiom. Than there is the

Archon MC cart with ''decent price'' . Anyway cheaper than my

Magic Diamond, Benz LP S, Shiraz ( $ 5 K) but ''as impressive''

if not better. Then there are some ingenious ''adjustment tools''

which can be even called ''cheap''.

Dear Fleib, There are many ''personal philosophies''  involved

by this toenarm ,uh, philosophize. You are the only one who

is willing or capable to include even technical matters in this

''discussion''. That is why I want to ask you this question:

''What do we mean by saying that the tonearm follows the

grooves''? As far as I know there are different dimensions involved.

We have the micro dimensions in the groove while our tonearms

and TT's are certainly of other kinds. I don't think that even an

4 g. tonearm can follow the grooves. The cantilever/stylus combo

is, I thought, the ''instrument'' meant for this task?

Well there are few rich people like Thuchan who can afford whatever

he wants. But the most of us are poor in comparison so we

need to be smart. Now regarding the choice between the FR-64 and

FR-66  the choice is very easy and obvious. First the FR-64 is the

most beautiful tonearm ever made. The FR-66 is too rough in comparison with possible afvantange for one's defense but for

this kind of monay one can buy 10 Kalashnikofs. Some Aussie

stated that FR-64 is a bargain in general which imply tremendous

advantage against the FR-66.  My good friend Dertonarm stated

that the FR-66 is (only) SLIGHTLY better. So, obviously, those

who own the FR-66 want to pretend to be rich. I own 3 x FR 64

+ Ikeda 345 (for comparison sake) but also Triplanar VII and

Reed 3P. Well I nearly forget how those work because I use

(one of) my FR-64 continual. It is more than a tonearm it

is a love affair.

Dear Chris, There is this German life advice or advice for

life: ''Wein, Weiber und Gesang''. I only substituted ''wein'' for

Slivovitz and ''Gesang'' for the more general expression

''music''. However my FR-64 addiction is caused by the so called

''German group'' of which Raul is /was so fond.

BTW don't  worry ; Slivovitz get better with age. Like your former


Who would take as serious any adjustment advice from a

lawyer? The enigma is this. Nobody trust lawyers except when

one needs one. But then the one who needs one hope that his

is omnipotent. This fact encourages me for the following suggestions

for the FR 64/66 adjustments:

1, The lateral balance should be 100% level in order to keep  the       pressure on both bearings equal;

2, The anti-skate should be at its minimum with the small weight;

3, The original headshell should be substituted for ,say, Orsonic

(the heavy kind), Sumiko or Arche (the best);

4. One should experiment with dynamic and static VTF. One third

dynamic two third static. Dover suggested this method to me.

Hi Stingreen, Any discussion should result in at least some

dispute to be interesting. Otherwise ''it'' will be boring.

Now considering your violin ''argument''. I never understood

why all those composers wrote for this anemic, shrill and shabby

looking and sounding instrument in any orchestra?

As you confessed yourself the ''thing'' sounds different everywhere

and even under your own chin. What about our expensive speakers

and the rest of our equaly expensieve other gear? Well independent

from the amount of money spend I have never heard any violin

sounding well. Or , to be more  pricise, as it should in the so

called ''reality''. One should listen to the guitar music instead.

The strings are fast the fundamentals as easy to hear as the

harmonics an ideal instrument to judge any system. Even better

to judge carts. That is anyway what I do.

Dear Chris, You  provoke me with your Slivovitz I provoke

Stringreen with his violin. No disputes without provocation

and no intersting discussion without disputes.

BTW what kind of (ex) Balkanese are you when you don't

drink this stuff (aka ''plum brandy'') ?

Dear Fleib, I may have missed some of those metaphorical

''stairs'' involved by  Raul's ''learning curve'' but I also believe

that he missed the first ''stair'' in logic. From my study of logic

I learned that the neccesary condition to express a thought

clearly is to have one. One would think that languge is the

added condition. But consider those international gatherings

of scientist. ''Our own'' Lewm visited many so he is the right

person to explain the issue. Those gatherings imply many

 peoples from different countries all speaking different languages.

The known fact is that, say, Chanese and Japanese are not ''masters'' in English language which is considered to be standard. How then are those scientist supposed to understand each other?

Well the answer is that they have the same terminolgy belonging

to their specific science. One can also say ''the same vocabulary''.

Thst is all they need in order to understand each other about their

own subject matter.

But we also have some kind of ''common terminology'' for

our analog hobby. In our forum it is ''not done'' to criticize

anybodies English but it is obvious that Raul is difficult to

understand despite of his ''long term'' use of this language.

Anywy this is assumed by ,at least, some members. But I

think that  the reason is not the languge but the lack of clear


American logician& mathematician Quine wrote a book called

 ''From a logical point of view''. Talking about ''distortions'' without any

specific description about any of them looks like those ''sets of

all sets'' im mathematics. Those produced the so called ''set

theoretic paradoxes'' of which not only Frege was a victim.

I think that our Raul is also a victim of his ''distortions'' for the

same reason.