tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar

I decided to take a much bigger analog plunge

I'm working with Mehran on a tonearm for a Zyx Universe
between the Moerch DP6 and Triplanar VII. Mehran is really great - a true audiophile gentleman.

the precise dial in setup of the triplanar interested me (particularly because I am a relative neophyte at this) but it's a bit more expense.

I currently have a Nottingham Spacedeck which I'll eventually upgrade from but the Moerch drops directly into the Spacedeck mount and others here tell me the Notts match well with the Moerch.

Can anyone commment on the synergy of these two with the Universe? later flexibility with other tables? any other helpful jewels of knowledge would be greatly appreciated (I don't want to limit myself like with the Spacedeck).

My listening preferences lean more toward correct tonal balance and engaging dynamics over ultra hi resolution. I listen to a lot of jazz, acoustic and rock music.



Showing 2 responses by palasr


I'd guess most Galibier users site the table on a floor stand, especially if you have the added benefit of sitting on a concrete floor. From there, I'd say the field is open - Thom favors building a sandbox with an aluminum top plate that beds into the sand by virtue of some interface between the top plate and sand; several other users have successfully utilized granite or other such stone materials. General consensus from most users is that wood (be it MDF, solid maple or other) is not an ideal top plate material. This is a case where experimentation is in order - the path to an inert surface is frought with variables, including the type of floor and stand construction. You should carefully read over the Galibier FAQ page to get a better idea of the types of surface materials available, as well as strategies for finding the best stand for your situation. -Richard

I think you'll be out of the optimum weight range of the Neuance shelf if you're considering placing the Gavia on it (or the Target wall mount shelf for that matter). IIRC, the weight limit for the Neuance shelf is around 35-40 lbs - the Gavia is almost 3x that. Think massive reinforcement or serious bracing if you plan on using the Gavia as a wall mount - sheet rock toggle bolts or plastic anchors aren't going to cut it. Nice setup - analog bliss is nearly at hand!
