Tonearm for vintage mm cartridges

I know I’m very, very late to the party but I’d like to start investigating older mm cartridges. Unfortunately having used low compliance mc’s for a long time I no longer have any suitable tonearms, all of them having high effective mass (I think my Fidelity Research FR64fx is probably the lowest!).

Which tonearms would you recommend please? I’m thinking about Audio Technica AT-1010 or AT-1100 or the Technics EPA100/250/501.

For cartridges I have found an old Shure V15 type iii in a drawer with several replacement styli so will start with that. I will then start trying others.

Many thanks in advance for your suggestions.



Showing 1 response by wbs

I would add the SME series 3 to your list.  Designed for what you have in mind.
