Tonearm effective mass

I have read about and think I have a basic understanding of matching cartridge compliance and tonearm effective mass.  I also have read a bit about how effective mass relates to moment of inertia, and how one can alter this by different combinations of counterweight/pivot point distance.  What I havent seen, and I would think would be easier, is the effect of adding extra weight, ie heavier screws, in attaching the cartridge to the headshell...would this not, as well, increase the effective mass/moment of inertia?  .help in understanding this would be appreciated...thank you


Showing 4 responses by yogiboy

The AT-ART 9xa shows a weight of 8.5 grams and compliance of 20x10-6 at 100hz. The Umani Red does not give a compliance spec. BTW, Japanese cartridges compliance figures are not at 10hz they are at 100hz so you will have to multiply by 1.7 to get the correct resonance frequency calculation figure. With your 12 gram tonearm and that ART, the resonance frequency is 6hz!

The calculation charts are very useful at getting a ballpark figure before you purchase a cartridge. A test record is great ( I have one ) but you would be using it after you made the purchase. If you have to remove mass then you will be SOOL!!