So, hear is my latest conundrum(well, perhaps that is a little bit of a  hyperbole)...
I enjoy my current system immensely, but do not actively compare it to others or seek listening to live music...I remain pleased with my systems dynamics, soundstage, detail, BUT am always wondering about TONE...being we all, more or less, have limited audio memory, I imagine only musicians who are regularly acquainted with the TRUE TONE of live instruments can recognize the accuracy of the TONE of an audio system....I guess I  kind of answered my own question, in saying I enjoy my system, BUT any advice/thoughts/suggestions about how one satisfies this concern?


Showing 1 response by antigrunge2

Not sure about this but I think when you refer to tone, what is meant is the in-phase accurate rendition of frquency modulations, so called overtones. In my experience this is a function of the system‘s speed.
This is why single drive high efficiency speakers with flee amps on small power supplies have a reason to exist. It‘s simply faster to rev up those than 500w amps driving 4-way speaker cross-overs at 80 db efficiency. So tone is really another word for the system‘s speed if you assume that linearity rather than fine-tuned frequency is a goal. In my mind it also explains why DSP systems have a hard time in being engaging on voice or piano recordings.