To upgrade from simaudio 3.3i to 600i or not?

Currently own the solid state simaudio moon 3.3i integrated amp for less than a year and now considering utilizing simaudio's upgrade program by purchasing the simaudio 600i. Why am I considering it? Just purchased a pair of Sonus faber Cremona Ms. I like the diversity the 3.3i has with the added options of the dac and phono, which I use. Just wonder paying double for the 600 is worth it at out of pocket price of 4500. This does not count if I choose to buy a separate Dac to replace the one that I am using with the 3.3i

Showing 13 responses by harris4crna

Thank you for your comment in regards to the upgrade from 3.3 to 600i. Matter a fact, i did upgrade and now a proud owner of the 600i. Overall, i love it and combination has worked well. Did i understand your post correctly? Do you have or tried out the 700i with the cremonas? I find that i need to turn up the 600i to a reasonable volume (50) to get the full dynamic sound that im looking for. Wondering if i should upgrade to the 700i.
I wish, but I live in Italy, so No. I will have to wait until i get back to the states. It would be ideal to test the 700 with the Cremonas prior to the upgrade. Hate to dish out another 4000 prior to listening. So, right now I depend people like yourself to stir me in right direction. Speaking of right direction, what interconnects and speaker wire you use?

Thanks for the post. Good to hear from a previous i-7 owner. I move around in the Navy, so simple is better for, thus i stick with the integrated amp. If did choose to move up and upgrade to seperates, could i just add the w-8 to the 600i or you recommend the p-8 as the preamp?
Thanks to the both of you. I appreciate the sound advice. So, what i hear from the both of you is to spend my money on cables. This sounds like a great idea. I would like to maximize what i have. I am taking the advice from Robert Harley and not spend more than 15% on cables. I just seeked a consult from and they suggested Audience cables. Not sure if they have an abundance of these cables or they are really that good. In adittion, i did just check out the website on lessloss. Not really sure what to think of it without listening to it. Fossda, i see you switched to a tube phonostage. Perhaps a stupid question, but with getting a tubed phonostage give you that warm tube sound if you are running a solid state amp?
Thank you for the suggestion. Will look into it. Sounds like I will upgrade with cables first and perhaps later on check into other toys such as a JL Audio Sub. These Cremonas just seem not to punch out the base when playing Rock like I wish. You would think such an expensive amp and speakers would have a fuller range. We will see.
Let me know how it sounds. Which clearaudio tt you got. I considered purchasing one since they both work with 110v and 220v. Ill be back in the states in 9 months so i will stick with this project debut 220v for the time being. I have a brand new project classic sitting in a box. Ill purchase a new cartridge when i return home. Thought about sticking with the same brand phonostage. I like my system uniformed, but if I knew if a tubed phonostage would make a difference solid state integrated amp than i would look for one. Ill be in the states in a couple weeks and ill do some researching while there. Thanks for your input. Im still new and have not heard many systems.

Had the opportunity to listen to a P7 with a W8 at the Analog room in San Jose. Truly, the sound was impressive, but not enough to upgrade from the 600i. For what I need at this time in my life the 600i is perfect. i may take a look as it gets closer to upgrade time, but if choose to upgrade i believe i should make it significant enough to make a difference.

Right now, i just purchased the Simaudio 310lp to add to the mix. Cannot wait to hear the sound, but do not expect to much since I am still spinning records on a Project Debut with the Sumiko Blue Point 2. This will be until I return to the states so I can set up my Project Classic (or upgrade) with a new cartridge.

Again, thanks for the advice. I surely do welcome it.

Ok, i stand corrected. Adding the 310lp with the project made a huge difference. I hear a bottom end for the first time. Of course, I added Transparent speaker wire with Transparent balanced interconnects.
I think so. To make the plunge to get seperates may not be worth the price. I may have buyers remorse following. May upgrade the simaudio dac to 300 and the 600i to 700i next year when I move back to the states from Italy. Wish the 600i had another balanced input for the dac.
Another Simaudio upgrade. Just got the moon 320 power supply to mirror up with the 310lp. Amazing how much a seperate power supply can affect the sound. Also, i went with Transparent cableing. No, did not try many. Really, if i hear one I am content with than I go for it. Try to stay out of the gear shuffle. Which brings me close to the conclusion of my stereo upgrades. Upon returning to the states, i will ditching the project debut from here in Italy and upgrading to a new TT. What do people recommend for around $5000.00?
Never tried it, but assume you connect to the fixed output of 600i to high input of subs. Let me know how it sounds. Thought about doing it myself. I have the 300d v.1 DAC. You can get the version for cheaper since it only upsamples to 94. Look at my virtual system for details. Honestly, the 300 and 100 simaudio sounds the same. 300 have xlr output, which is only difference. I listen to mostly vinyl, so I did not splurge on the DAC. How does it sound, ok, I guess.
Camb, it appears I am right where you were when you decided to move up to separates. The 600i sounds good, but lack a bit on the bass and light in sounding when playing through the Ketemas. Considering moving up to sim separates. The cost will be steep even with the trade in. Any regrets moving up?
Thanks Camb, I appreciate your help. It's the price increase for the new sim separates that makes me reluctant. I'll wait to audition them when they become available.