To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges

How do you 'play' your system?
For 30 years I had only one turntable, one arm and one cartridge......and it never entered my mind that there was an alternative?
After upgrading my turntable nearly 5 years ago to a Raven AC-3 which allowed easy mounting of up to four tonearms......I decided to add two arms.
A few years later I became interested in Direct Drive turntables and purchased a vintage 30 year old Victor/JVC TT-81 followed shortly after by the top-of-the-line TT-101 and I designed and had cast 3 solid bronze armpods which I had lacquered in gloss black.
By this time I had over 30 cartridges (both LOMCs and MMs) all mounted in their own headshells for easy interchange.

Every day I listen to vinyl for 3-4 hours and might play with one cartridge on one arm on one table for this whole day or even two or three days.
I then might decide to change to a different arm and cartridge on a the same table or perhaps the other.....and listen to the last side I had just heard on the previous play.
I am invariably thrilled and excited by the small differences in presentation I am able to hear....and I perhaps listen to this combination for the next few days before again lusting after a particular arm or cartridge change?

Is this the way most of you with multiple cartridges/arms listen?......or are there other intentions involved?

Showing 5 responses by syntax

Differences ...

I had Arms for Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday
I had Arms for Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
I had Arms for Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn
I had Arms for Reissues/Originals
I had Arms for Direct Drive/Rim Drive/Belt Drive
I had Arms for 2k carts/5k carts/10k carts/20k carts
I had Arms for Turntables I even didn't buy
and one day... there
I heard differences
He only has to sell 2 of his 3 turntables, 2 of his 3 phono-stages, 2 of his 3 amps, 2 of his 3 arms plus his 2 extra armwands and 7 of his 8 cartridges?

Yes, right. For about 8 months now I am down to 1 Table, more or less 1 Arm (FR-66s, I don't want sell the 64s, that Arm beat all others incl. the last survivor, Graham Phantom supreme which is sold now), more or less to 2 cartridges (Ikeda & Helikon mono), Omnigon Pre (but that was a custom made order, can't be compared to regular units) and modified ML2.1.
The other stuff is in boxes, in a way I am too lazy to sell, but who knows, sooner or later I will start some ads...
The idea of permanently maintaining multiple arms and cartridges (or preamps, or...) isn't even remotely tempting. Why or when would I ever choose to listen to the inferior ones? Comparing different flavors of distortion really doesn't interest me.

I suppose I'm not a true audiophile. :-(

Audiophiles want to talk about Audio, not about Music.... or there is another sentence "The difference between Men and Boys is the price of their Toys"
Anyway, everyone has his own preferences and priorities, musical emotion can be also served via MP3 or Car Radio, the human brain works different. Interestingly, EVERYONE is able to detect good sound even with totally unknown hardware, you can see that in High End Shows. The remarkable time frame is a few seconds later when everyone tries to rate something for himself (...too big, too expensive, too cheap, ugly, too black, too shiny or whatever) this is an individual decision. When you ask a group of listeners after that demo, you will hardly find a common opinion, 4 audiophiles, 5 opinions...
Analog is in a way pure precision and knowledge, some Designers made a better product than others because they know the way of what-is-responsible-for-what.... does that mean, after a while you can find the one and only solution? No. But you can narrow it when you understand what you hear, then the rest of your System is made for that anyway.
The most impressive Systems I listened to in the last 15 years (about 5) were different, some with Electrostats, Horns, Dynamic speakers, some with tube amps, Transistor amps, various turntables, Arms and cartridges ... but in a way they all had something in common:
The owners were deep in records, they all had an impressive background knowledge and all their components were done right in a way ....Independent from price. Thanks for the reminder, when I go back to those situations, all had 1 Table, 1 Cart, 1 Arm, 1 Phonostage....I am working on it still...
However, I want to listen to great music and sometimes, some of those recordings may benefit from slightly different coloration/presentation by different setup..

When we will follow that idea we have to look into the Past, too.
Most ratings from the top records (printed in books) Decca/London, Living Stereo, Mercury were written in the early 90's. And with what combination? Mainly with Linn LP12, a highly colored table, with real weak abilities in the higher and lower frequencies, a midrange pusher.
When we think about those ratings seriously we have to say (or I say that) nearly all ratings need to be rewritten because some ratings in Recording, Reproduction, Soundstage, color of tone have serious different results today. Don't get me wrong, a top record is still a top record but a lot with 12/10/14 rating from max. 20/20/20 are seriously better than that.
On the other side, vinyl today from a digital mixing desk, without any naturalness, do you need a 30k Phonostage, 10k cart for that? I don't think so, the only goal is maybe finding something which doesn't make you cry and that's it. But that is my opinion about.
A question for Syntax.....
Do you think that your ability to decide on the one turntable, arm. cartridge and phono-stage perfect for you.....had anything to do with having several turntables and many arms and cartridges in your own system to compare?

Yes and No
At the beginning I had the typical review winner System, I was proud being a modern Audiophile. But short after that I met a record collector who demoed me his system and I was totally confused. His was different from hardware and was sounding light years better. So we started talking and he taught me what is responsible for what....
The next big step was in the following 10 years when I travelled a lot to listen to Audiophiles privately, here I learned the most, what I would like to have or to try, and what not. Later it was narrowed with Audiophiles who also had 2 turntables, 2 identical Arms, carts....and we made the comparisons and when you do it right, you have to be honest to you, there is a big difference between "I like it" and "That Design is better"...
But no matter what I made, there always was that question mark of "Is that Arm/cart I don't have better than that I have?"
Well, I always try to understand what a unit can do. There are no wonders from outer space. It is brain. Nothing else. And some Designers are better than others. Marketing can hide that very successfully but my own comparisons showed me that week for week. And when a 8k cartridge is absolutely inferior in comparison to a 2k cartridge, then there are only 2 ways: To deny that, or to think about that.
(Sorry, there is a 3. way: I spend so much money and that one has to be better and honestly, I don't care anyway)
After all those years I asked me at the end of each month "With what units did you listen the most time? AND WHY?"
I found the answers.
And the final question was "Why should I spend my time listening to something which is not as good as the other stuff I have?"
My time of doing nothing, sitting in a sofa, looking into the nothing between 2 speakers is the most valuable time I can waste.
I want to do the best with it.