Yes, Bryston is very well made in Our Home and Native Land with a 20-year warranty.
To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.
I have recently set up a second system from some previously owned components which I though I would use for occasional listening as I have a better rig in a dedicated music room. Yet I find I'm listening to it more than expected and want to optimize it.
I use only a single source, a Bluesound Node 2i, feeding directly into a Forte 4a Class A power amp and some Totem Model one signatures speakers. No preamp! Controlling the volume with the BlueOS app, the system plays loud enough for my listening needs but I know the output of the Node is on the low side for the power amp. I'm not looking to upgrade the current speakers, amp or streamer. Other than having more gain, would adding an active preamp bring anything to the table other than more expense and additional "stuff" in the audio chain. What has been the experience of other members been who have gone this route?
Showing 3 responses by soix
I used to own this Bryston BP6 preamp and would be shocked if it didn’t vastly improve the sound of your system. Downside is I think you’d need to by a remote from Bryston as doesn’t look like this one comes with it. BTW, here’s a review I wrote of it and subsequently bought the review sample fyi… Best of luck. |
I’d be hard pressed to think a good preamp wouldn’t make a major improvement over using the Node as a pre. If you were using a Bricasti and its volume control I might have a different opinion, but using the Node as a pre? No, just no. The Node 2i is a streamer, DAC, and preamp for $600 — using common sense, how much do you think they spent on the preamp components? The preamp is too important to the overall sound quality of a system. FWIW, and best of luck. |