To power strip or not

Hi, folks

To many this mayn’t be a question, or rather an option at all, but do you all use a power strip in your hifi setup where a range of components are used? If not do you connect directly to a series of wall outlets, or other? In my case I’ve skipped a power strip and replaced it with screw terminals for the lead and return wires respectively (and ground ditto, if used), all bundled in a small box. This way the bare conductor ends of my DIY power cables meet each other directly without connectors or other in between. Sonically, to me, this is the way to go, although it’s less practical when disconnecting, adding or switching components.

Using power strips what are your thoughts on their different incarnations - be they the cheap Home Depot style version of more (expensive) audiophile ditto - and their effect on the sound in your setup? What do you yourself use? If you've experimented comparing power strips with wall outlets-direct or other also, please share your thoughts here as well. 


Showing 1 response by jchiappinelli

I use a pair of Furman 6B-SS power blocks simply for surge protection and convenience. Didn't notice any audio improvement or degradation but i have the comfort of protecting my gear and the added simplicity of disconnecting my whole system from power with the flick of a switch. Great piece of mind when I'm traveling or otherwise away from home. Got em both new for $66. Cheap, effective protection.
