To hear what the microphones heard?

Do you think that's the ultimate goal of sound reproduction? Or to hear what the ears would've heard if they'd been there at the time and place of the event? Not quite the same thing in reality. Perhaps our systems and rooms should be able to compensate the loss somehow without distorting the original picture. Your thoughts? Let's consider only unamplified acoustic instruments.

Showing 1 response by lemmycaution

It's the reponsibility of the engineer to accurately preserve what the mics heard.

It's the responsibility of the listener to provide an environment and system which allows the recording to sound like what the mics heard:

Listening through a pair of Sony Studio v6s, I -think- I hear what the mics heard. Listening through the system that I have carefully put together the same recording sounds like a re-creation of place to me.

It's pretty subjective.