To Harbeth or not to Harbeth, That is the question...

Whether it is nobler in the ear when listening primarily to vocals and acoustic music at 55-65db max?

Whether the 30.2 or the HL5+ produces the most magical sound in a mid sized room?

These are my questions.  

I like British Speakers. Not really sure why. Respect for the the duration of their businesses?
The uppity nature of some of the makers? I enjoy the sound of Tannoy, Harbeth, Graham, ProAc, ATC.

So Friends, Romans, Harbethians please share with me you HB experiences as it relates to low volume
listening. And please explain your passion for black screw heads. 


Showing 1 response by conlad

I had C7ES3s for five years and was happy with them, whether powered by Creek Evo 100 or Parasound Hint amp. I had considered upgrading to Monitor 30s or SHL 5s. Late last year, I found a good deal on Monitor 30.2 XDs and sold the C7s. The 30.2s sound somewhat more refined to my ears, and I too play at modest to moderate volumes. I play the 30.2s sometimes with and sometimes without support from Rythmic F8 subwoofers. I plan to continue enjoying these Harbeths for many years, although I would not pay full U.S. retail price for them.