To Float or not to Float...

I have a DeHavilland preamp which has a switch allowing one to "float" the ground.  I've always used it in the "float" position, however recently, perhaps due to some connectivity issues with my interconnects, there is a small buzz emanating from my speakers with the switch in this position.  The buzz disappears when I flip the preamp switch to the "ground" position.  Irrespective of the buzzing, is there any sonic advantage (or disadvantage) to "floating" the preamp ground in this situation??
Thanks for your informed opinions...


Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

I have so many things plugged into my system I'm amazed at how utterly quiet it is. There are bespoke DC buzz killing power supplies on the DAC and phono preamp, a PS Audio Humbuster III for the tube and SS amps, no ground pin was provided for the main preamp (Kavent S-33 dual mono masterpiece) weirdly, but doesn't seem to matter, and I did have to lift the ground via a small switch on a REL Q150e due to a small hum issue. Otherwise, although my SEP main power amp is working fairly hard in its Class A massive 12 watts (or something) per side, it is also dead quiet…blacker blacks, redder reds, more opaque opaqueness, you know what I mean.