To DAC or not to DAC...

I am looking to build a high fidelity audio server that would connect to a tube amp.
The amp has only analog inputs, so after doing some research it seems that the best bet in getting good sound out of the computer would be an external DAC.

I have some music in 24bit format, so USB DAC is out of question(16bit output,only), optical seems to be the way of getting bit-perfect output.

Is this scenario the best one for my needs? According to my research, yes. But I would like some input.

A good DAC can cost up to 20k USD, but I am looking for something in range of 1000USD and under. Recommendations are HIGHLY praised!


Showing 1 response by glide3

I also use a reflection audio modified benchmark and the results have made me very happy.....I use an RME foreface clocked to an isocrone antelope and then to the dac....I am very happy with this after owning many expensive single and two box cdp's.