To Biwire or not to biwire

Looking to hear from people that have biwired using one amp (not bi amping). I read a lot about - works well in a poorly designed loudspeaker, but makes it worse in a well designed one (see Coincident Speaker web site). Looking forward to comments. I am using Coincident CST speaker cable. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by s23chang

IMHO, biwre makes no difference except if you're using very thin speaker cable ( double the band width helps in this case.) Biwire is more for bi-amping and I have not heard any good bi-amping combo in 3 systems. It just doesn't sound natural ( not in sync ) to me. Just make sure you have good connection ( a good pair of jumper cable ) in between the binding posts and concertrate on a good pair of speaker cable.