To all tube lovers.......

To all the tube lovers out there: If you COULD NOT listen to a tube amp and you HAD to go solid state or digital, what amp would you get to replace your tubes? I've always been a tube guy. Every amp I've ever owned has been a tube amp. However, I may get a new speaker that is 88 db @ 4 (maybe 6), ohm. If so, I must get a higher powered amp. Keep in mind, I"m not just looking for any amp. Preferably 100 watts or more. Solid state? Digital? I've heard wonderful and not-so-wonderful feedback on Nuforce and Spectral in the digital camp.

I just don't want to regret getting out of tubes just so I can change speakers.
the last frontier :
symphonic line kraft-300 amplifier connected to their solid state flgship preamp : rg3 mk4 -with it's new gigantic reference psu.
the rolls royce of high end.
when you hear what this set-up is capable of, you will not feel the need to compare to others, even not to evoulution , balabo, fm acoustics etc.
i am positive that you will also forget about tubes, like i did, and i was a tube fan before i had this unique musical experience.
PLEASE read drdennis's reply above!I agree 100%.I was driving Dynaudio Audience 52SE's(86db @ 4 ohms) with 42 push pull tube watts per channel to ear splitting levels in a med.size room.With the abundance of great sounding 50 watt per channel tube integrated amps available I see no reason to switch to SS.
Without any hesitation, the new Rowland 625 class AB. Trust me on this one, go for an audition, you won't go look any further.

BTW, I own a ARC Ref 110 (tubes) but if I had to go SS, I would switch to Rowland 625. The guy is a genius..
A used pair of Cary 500mb's. 500watts into 8 ohms & 1000 into 4 ohms. Can drive just about any speaker on the planet and the closest thing to tubes that I have found so far.
nobody mentioned sim audio?? every review I've ever read said they were as close as it comes to tubes. just my 2 cents