

Responses from avico238

Comparing Classe' Audio's DR9 with Krell's ksa300s
Hi everybody,In my set-up,  using two mono dr-9's  yields a  better sound than with a single stereo dr-9 .More real, dynamic (better bass response), palpable, more musical.I could have lived with a single dr-9 though, it's such a great amplifier. 
To all tube lovers.......
the last frontier :symphonic line kraft-300 amplifier connected to their solid state flgship preamp : rg3 mk4 -with it's new gigantic reference psu.the rolls royce of high end.when you hear what this set-up is capable of, you will not feel the nee... 
Anyone heard that Rotel amp that cost 2700 in 1996
I own the rhb10 power amp, rha10 active pre-amp and also the rhc10 passive pre-amp.These are really high end units.The rhb10 retaild in the us 2700 $$; the rha10 1500 $$.I don't know how the rhc10 passive pre-amp retaild; i know it was sold around...