TMR Audio; Never Again

First off thanks for the community for trying to help me with the Aurender A10 over the weekend, though I never did get it to play music. Turns out it wasn't my incompetence THIS time, it's defective. I just spoke to Ari from Aurender who DID call me back, TMR never did, still waiting. TMR was uncooperative ignoring me totally. Never again!


Showing 1 response by perkri

The entitlement some people have never ceases to amaze. This is another example. You are not their only customer. Friday to Monday with two requests for more info from TMR, is more than adequate response.

But, I guess you needed someone to hold your hand and comfort you through what was obviously a very traumatic emergency  for you.

Never bought anything from TMR, but I’m off to check out their inventory now.