Tinnitus worries...

I have had on and off periodic ringing in the ears for 30 years, (lots of live music) and back in March I decided to invest in a new home audio system, speakers, amp preamp CD player and cables costing about 7k, I have almost constant low level tinnitus now, my doctor says it's a cumulative thing and there is little that can be done. I hardly listen to music beyond normal talking decibels, and am very careful about any other loud DB exposure. Odd how the tinnitus became constant the minute I got my new system set up.  I guess this is more of a warning than anything else, so be careful! 

Showing 2 responses by falconquest

So you were never in your twenties and just had to go see the Stones during their "Some Girls" tour? My buddies and I sat in the nose bleed seats at the Pontiac Silverdome about the farthest from the stage as you could get. This was beyond doubt the loudest concert I have ever attended. But hey, we were young and well, stoned and it was just what you did at that age. I guess we weren't as responsible as you.
Prior to the Stones, I saw KISS at one of the smallest venues they ever played to promote their first album. Couldn't beat "Strutter" back then. This was also a loud show (as you can well imagine) hell, I was having fun and never thought about the future (of course) so there you go. It's interesting how decisions in your early years affect you in a, shall we say, "older" state!