Tinnitus sufferer: is it the speakers or the 24bits/192kHz

I have tinitus and have had it for 30+ years.  There is no cure and I know the best way to handle it is to ignore it.  But lately my tinnitus has been going off the scale.  The "lately" seems to have coincided with streaming Qobuz Hi-Res and listening on a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and pulling my Magnepan 1.6 out of storage.  Now I have been known to play too loud on "A" song- but by and large the volume is down to where I could easily speak to somone in the room.

I have thought about maybe changing to to Harbeth, Dyn, Sonus Faber or other speakers more focused on midrange.  But have also wondered if it is the high quality of sound that I am listening to that is perhaps stimulating my very high pitch ringing?

So, any fellow tinnitus folks out there with an opinion on this? 

Showing 2 responses by pkatsuleas

+1 erichsch, jerks just can't help themselves.  Thats why they are jerks.

Mocktender, you still here?  I find stress levels/elevated blood pressure to cause an increase in symptoms.  Even though you've had the condition for years definitely get yourself in for a physical.  Not to pry but how's life been treating you?  I first started noticing problems roughly 6 months after my wife was diagnosed with cancer.  Surgery, chemo, the usual.  Easily the most stressed out I have ever been in my life.  Was taking way too much Ibuprofen (supposedly a trigger) at the time also so who really knows.   Stopped with the Ibu but tinnitus still around.  Some days better than others. 

Someone mentioned alcohol as a trigger and I second that.  The day after I have an extra bourbon or 3 it seems to be worse.  But, I can tell that my blood pressure is just a little off then too. 

I really don't find loud music to bother me.  Although I usually don't listen as loud as I used to.  Just being cautious ya know.  I would like to be able to enjoy music for as long as possible!  But, the metal domes in my old Snell type D are starting to bother me a bit.  My LRS not a problem, smooth as silk.  Especially with the Hegel H360.

Going to see a specialist, but not until June.  Supposed to be the best in the business.  He's a busy guy.  We'll see what he says.  
Mocktender, yeah sorry, I guess I didn't really answer your question.  I just find it interesting and important for the community to share tinnitus info of any kind.  Who knows, something might just help someone find a bit of relief one of these days.  I haven't tried any 'miracle cures' yet but maybe a little extra CBD can't hurt.

Very interesting to hear about the possible correlation between sleep and tinnitus.  I haven't been sleeping all that well for a year and a half or so and I have wondered about it.  I'll have to look into it further.

Geez, good on you for all of the exercise.  Keep it up as long as you can man!