Time to Upgrade??

Looking for some advise or better yet direction, I have owned my SF GP Homes since new and am thinking that the sound no longer gives me that same feeling I had when I bought them, call it goosebumps, the sound doesn't inspire me as they once did. I am looking for options as these will serve double duty as AV as well as Music, I like the look of the SF's and do like the piano finish and have not listend to B&W Cm series but like the look as well. There are loads of options and trying to dig into the many options is a substantial task, hence advise.
My current system consist of a Mac MX135 as well as Mac MC207, Oppo BDP93, as well some tid bits for processing MP3 and the like.
I have also considered upgrading my Mac to a MX150 but not so sure that the gains offset the upgrade expence, Pre/Pro's are not your best investment as Technology moves at an astounding pace.
Any Thoughts appreciated.

Showing 1 response by kbarkamian

Have you considered getting a dedicated CD player, DAC, or turntable? In other words, a new source? People rave about Oppo's sound quality, but I don't hear it with CDs. It does a lot of things right, I just don't find it musically satisfying. Just IMO.