Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....

Obviously the majority of posters are seeking help making decisions about purchases, but there exists an underlying group of regular contributors and it is to these folks that I address this question. I'll start -

I love this hobby and music. I've gotten valuble help over the years, as well as having been skinned by opportunists and my own imagination. When I discovered this site a few years ago it appeared to be an excellent place for me to help those whom I can to enjoy the hobby as I do and, at the same time, provide a few with warnings about certain pitfalls and myths. I do not work in the industry nor do I sell product (not even my own stuff - you have to see my closet!) My reward comes on those few occasions when I know I have helped some one or even rarer occasions when some one takes a moment to say thanks.

Why do you post?

Showing 4 responses by nrchy

I used to think this was a safe helpful community, if not a little anal, but after the last few comments, I'm afraid! What were marco and Gunbei like before they started posting here? It's not the site that did that, is it?!?

Somebody hand me the pliers!
Milkman, I wondered how you had to for so many posts recently. Sorry to hear about your situation. I always thought the internet was a great commode!
I post on AudiogoN because it's too cold to ride my motorcycle. Once it warms up, I will be on the road, or hopefully on the bike... I have been a lot less involved here the last couple of years. It just gets so old to argue with people who know very little and post a lot...


