Time to reflect - why do you post on Audiogon.....

Obviously the majority of posters are seeking help making decisions about purchases, but there exists an underlying group of regular contributors and it is to these folks that I address this question. I'll start -

I love this hobby and music. I've gotten valuble help over the years, as well as having been skinned by opportunists and my own imagination. When I discovered this site a few years ago it appeared to be an excellent place for me to help those whom I can to enjoy the hobby as I do and, at the same time, provide a few with warnings about certain pitfalls and myths. I do not work in the industry nor do I sell product (not even my own stuff - you have to see my closet!) My reward comes on those few occasions when I know I have helped some one or even rarer occasions when some one takes a moment to say thanks.

Why do you post?

Showing 4 responses by newbee

I looked up this old post today - sort of a sanity check for me and some remotivation to continue, if I decide to do so.

Perhaps others might like to think about it from their own perspective as they did here. Post if you like.

Beheme, Thank you for your observation. That helped a lot. I have felt for some time that I have strayed a long way from my original objective and it was time to move on. I do not believe the collective knowledge of the A-gon will be diminished by my absence, at least it will never be noticed.

Good luck all.
David berry's post's simplicity is encouraging to me.

I may be unique in this respect, although I don't know why, but I reached a time in my life where tranquillity, peace of mind, has become very important. I've been trying to 'down size' my system and my expectations of it. I've reached a point where it, to my ear, doesn't do anything wrong! Which does not say that it does every thing that can be done, nor that its universal, nor that it can't be improved. Its just that I've acepted it for what it is and am enjoying the music much more now.

To continue in this forum I must accomplish the same end. If I don't I'll surely burn my self up in petty disputes over trivia. I'm going to try to return to my original goals.

Thanks for the kind thoughs.
Marco, It was interesting for sure. Your reasons for posting have always been apparent, to me at least.

For some reason that thread reminds me of the integrated v SLR thread (I love playing with that analogy as I'm sure you've noted). So much on these forums has more to do with PP than anything else. Perception and perspective, not yellow fluid, is what makes conversations interesting, or not, especially for those who are open to alternative ways/thoughts. :-)