Time to choose: Baerwald, Lofgren, Stevenson ?

I’ve managed Dr.Feickert Analog Protractor for a decent price (build quality is superb, such a great tool).

Time to play with Baerwald, Lofgren, Stevenson alignments on my Luxman PD444.
Need advice from experienced used of the following arms:
Lustre GST 801
Victor UA-7045
Luxman TA-1
Reed 3P "12
Schick "12

Baerwald, Lofgren, Stevenson ? What do you like the most for these arms?
Manufacturers recommend Baerwald mostly. 

Dedicated "7 inch vinyl playback deserve Stevenson alternative, maybe?
Since it's a smaller format than normal "12 or "10 inch vinyl, it's like playin the last track's according to position of grooves on '7 inch (45 rpm) singles. RCA invented this format, i wonder which alignment did they used for radio broadcast studios.   


Pryso and other Dennesen aficionados: The UNItractor is kind of a super duper Dennesen.  Dertonearm was obviously a fan of the Dennesen, but what he has done is to deal with its shortcomings by providing (1) interchangeable spindle mounts, so that there is zero play at the spindle, which is a source of error when the hole in the protractor is greater in diameter than the spindle, (2) provide separate templates for each and every tonearm, kind of like Mint does with their arc protractors, (3) provide a formal lighting and magnification system which makes it MUCH easier to be exact, and (4) provide an adjustable mainframe which further specifically adapts the device to the particular tonearm you are using. (A booklet comes with the beautifully boxed device telling you what adjustments to make depending upon tonearm, using a built-in micrometer.)  Yes, it's fussy, but if you want to be fussy, this is the tool.
So, if you like the Dennesen, you would like the UNI and its offspring (like the SMARTractor) even more.
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@fleib Feickert’s step-1 of the Stevenson’s point for overhang is exactly the beggining of the groove on 7’inch vinyl. That’s what i meant. The null points are on the left and right, and only inner null (by Stevenson), which is step-3 by Feickert, located in the end of the musical information (groove) of the 7’inch vinyl.

Image: http://www.hifi12a.de/WebRoot/Store14/Shops/61785497/4C28/51F4/F5FD/4AE7/2514/C0A8/28BA/1521/dfa_pro...

Chakster, I assume the end result would be the null distance for a standard alignment, whichever it is, the same as listed on page 2.

Now that I think about it, perhaps the UNI-DIN nulls would be most pleasing on a 7".  It will have much less error at the end, compared to Loefgren, and be better than Stevenson in all but the end. Nulls are at 63.3 and 112.5mm.  Check this out:


You can get a protractor that is just a calibrated straight line. It's called Chpratz: 

