Dear friends: This is a true time's celebration for all audiophiles over the world: 100th ORTOFON ANNIVERSARY.

ORTOFON needs no presentation but stop the press and stop/delay your next cartridge buy:



Btw, @mikelavigne as always your comments are welcomed.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas

Showing 4 responses by daveyf

Saw this release. Unfortunately the designers seem to be slow learners! This cartridge, like all of the other models in their upper ranges has basically zip for output! At some point, I am hopeful that the realization that this type of flea output leads to much greater distortions and exertion on the upstream phono stage ( or will require a signal sucking SUT) will at some point stop this trend. While the theory is that this minimal output leads to a cleaner signal from the cartridge, IME that is anything but the case. Maybe someone should ask J Carr why all of his excellent designs utilize a healthy voltage output. I’m VERY sure there is a perfectly good reason for this.
I can think of no tube phono stages that will work well with a cartridge that has between 0.125 and 0.2 Mv of output. The age old argument has been that the less wire the less loss. IMHO, that is a bogus argument. What is lost by the necessity to have either an SUT or a “stressed” ss phono preamp, easily outweighs any gains in the minimization of the wiring. YMMV.
Raul, you need to calm down a little.. :0(

plus, it would probably help if you weren’t attempting to read into my post things that weren’t there. For instance, nowhere do I say that there are NO solid state phono stages that cannot work with flea output cartridges. There may be few that can, but I think most ss phono stages will be pushing the envelope to amplify that small an output.
You need to reread my post above and stop reacting... your example of the amp is ludicrous.
Lastly, so that I am clear in your position... coming from a self anointed expert, you are stating that no tube gear can produce music... in your opinion... yes??

lewm, having heard the MP1 with a Ortofon A90, I guess it depends on what you call "no significant noise penalty"!
Sweeping generalizations without having done the actual work to support them...oh, please!!!