Time/Process of Hooking up New Equipment

Does anyone else ever felt this way?  My new amp arrived with cables and I want to wait until the weekend to hook it up.  I don't want to rush through it after work when it is dark and I am tired - almost rushing to get through it.  I want to make it a longer event and have time to listen to my existing system, then do the work to hook it up (a bit of a pain) and then rest and have time to listen to the new amp.  Maybe stretch out the fun and be fresh on a Saturday morning.  What is everyone's timing / process for installing new gear and the before and after listening?  


Showing 1 response by musicfan2349


I'm with you: Wait for a time when you can work unrushed and with enough light that you don't make incorrect connections. It will also allow time for the equipment to acclimate to your room's temperature.

You can also use the opportunity to perhaps do a few things you've been putting off like cleaning and dusting, rerouting those cables and retightening connectors. And when it's all done and sounding great, you can bask in the glow of a job well done.

Happy listening!