Time for a "massive" turntable: Spacedeck vs Scheu

I have been considering upgrading my analog setup for a while (Michell Tecnodec and Thorens TD150 MKII). I will keep the Thorens as a nice example of a classic suspended deck. After many "light" turntables, I now would love to give mass-loaded table a try:

- Nottingham Spacedeck with Ace-Space arm

- Scheu Premier MKII with Moerch UP4 tonearm

I have listened to the Spacedeck a couple of times and love its solid sonic foundation, black backgrounds, solid bass, and warm but extremely detailed and tuneful sound. I have not had a chance to listen to the Scheu but would love to hear some comments and about direct comparisons with the Nottingham.

List of previous analog setups

Remaining system:
Denon DL103R (as the initial cartridge)
Wright WPP200C phono (planned)
Fi Y, Super X, First Watt F1
Cain & Cain Abby

Any comments, experiences, recommendations?


Showing 1 response by ozzy62

I have not heard any Moerch arms, but I have owned two Spacedecks and both the Space arm and now the Ace-Space. Other arms I have had on this table:

Bluenote Borromeo
Bluenote Borghese
OL Encounter

To my ears, none had the synergy of Nottingham's own arms. And I believe the Ace-Space offers an improvement over the old arm. I think to hear this table at it's best, you will want to opt for the Ace-Space or the Ace-Anna.
