Time for a new cartridge

My current cartridge which is a Van Den Hul DDTII Special MC is starting to lose it's zing. Details are not as sharp as they were and overall I think I'd like something fresh. My tt is a VPI Prime with the 10" JMW Memorial tonearm. My phono stage is a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl. My amp is a McIntosh MA8950 integrated. My speakers are Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have 2 KEF R400B subs, which I think compliment the Cremona's. I've emailed VDH and they said they would do a re tip and get it back to where it was, but I'm thinking maybe it's time for a different sound. With the info I've provided I'd like some alternatives. My budget is around $2500.


Showing 1 response by chasda

Thank you all for your responses. After taking all your suggestions into account, I'm first going to send my cartridge back to VDH for a rebuild. I have a vintage Denon with an Ortofon Bronze as my back up. While that's going on, I'm going to do some shopping with some of your suggestions. After all, it's always good to have options. Thanks for your feedback.