Time for a new a/v receiver could use some input!

I have an Arcam avr400 which is HDMI 1.4 and need a HDMI 2.0 4K receiver.
I'm using a 5.1 set up, so I looked at Arcam but I'm not happy with problems of handshake
So I decided to get another brand.

I'm down to either the Anthem MRX720 or the Marantz SR7013 
just want to stay around $2,500 its 5.1 but I like the power the Arcam has.
Not sure if they are equal in power ratings but I think they are both powerful enough.

The Marantz has all the gadgets you can think of,  but I'm looking for good sound,
 and a lot of people say that the Anthem sounds better, any thoughts?
Thank you

Showing 2 responses by soix

I doubt the Anthem is broken in yet and that some of the brightness you’re currently hearing may subside a bit over time.  Congrats on a great AVR and glad you like what you’re hearing. 
The Anthem will be more detailed and neutral sounding while the Marantz will Sound warmer and fuller with with a more polite and less detailed treble range.  Choose based on which best suits your system and tastes.

FWIW, I was very impressed by the Yamaha Aventage series compared directly to Marantz, Denon, and Arcam, and importantly Yamaha has proven to be more reliable than most other AVRs out there.  Like the Anthem it is more in the neutral camp, but the level of transparency and its better 3D soundstage won me over big time and would likely be a good bit cheaper than the Anthem.  Just another potential option.  Best of luck.