Tim Bachman of BTO passed at 71

Guitarist from Bachman Turner Overdrive was added to the growing list of lost musicians last Friday. He had been fighting cancer and succumbed just a few days ago April 28th. BTO was a big influence on my rock tastes in music and it saddens me to see so many of my generation passing. Not that they were still making music, but that an era that contributed to my love for music is closing each year.



He didn't pass, he died or he is dead, take your pick. Don't like skirting around the subject matter with niceties.

Being in a rock band never was good for you health.  Touring and such.  Think about all the guys who died around age70.  Allman, Lou Reed, many others.

@audioman58   "Randy Bachman was he main talent"

True, but the one immortal cut is "Blue Collar," written and performed by Charles Turner, with an extraordinary jazz guitar break from Bachman.

Otherwise, calling the President a "senile pervert" is completely out of order. Biden's performance at the WH Correspondent Dinner dispelled any charges of senility, and the "pervert" bit is outright slanderous. BASED ON WHAT? No reputable forum can allow defamation of this kind go unchallenged.