Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Robert, speak to Jorn directly on this matter. I know it was a very big step up on the Piano but the Contriva is a 3-way design as ooposed to the 2.5-way Piano.
Maceear, Linkster was able to listen to my Piano Diacera's which helped him determine whether he wanted to go through the cost and hassle of upgrading. You need to do the same.

Upgrading is not cheap, the packing and shipping is a hassle, and it takes 4-5 months to get them back. Make sure you know what you are getting with your own ears before you go through all of that. Even the cost of a plane ticket might be prudent.
Thanks Linkster and Bostonbean for your advice.
I will think it all over.... Let you know what I decide to do. Regards Robert
Well gentlemen, I pulled the trigger on the Contriva G2.  The build process takes almost 5 months for a custom veneered finish which I have ordered.  Should arrive in July!